Finally I have found something help to reduce Psoriasis - Herose Psoria and Peter Hubner Medical Resonance Therapy Music
Hi, my name is Kent. I have been suffering psoriasis for many years. It was almost 15 years when I was still teenager.
The reason I put this blog up is to help all the psoriasis sufferers.Same like many others, I had been searching around for many way to cure my psoriasis. I knew what it’s like to go through the hell of living with psoriasis and no one should have to go through that.
The reason I put this blog up is to help all the psoriasis sufferers.Same like many others, I had been searching around for many way to cure my psoriasis. I knew what it’s like to go through the hell of living with psoriasis and no one should have to go through that.
A bit about my history, I began suffering this problem when I was very young, about 15 years old. I had red patches on both my legs, between my legs, my head, my back and more embarrassingly my buttock. All these started with a red and itchy spot and it grew bigger and bigger becoming a patch and scales. These patches are so itchy and I can not resist to scratch with my hand. After scratching, it became worse and worse.
I had been seeing many skin specialists. All the specialist told me the same thing, " There is no cure for your case. You have to bare with this for your whole life!". After so many years, I nearly gave up of searching the right cure.
At first I began to try topical steroid creams that doctors prescribed to me. It looks ok for a short period of time, but after certain while it came back and became worse. When it became worse, I used more and it became worse more.
At first I began to try topical steroid creams that doctors prescribed to me. It looks ok for a short period of time, but after certain while it came back and became worse. When it became worse, I used more and it became worse more.
Until a year back, I attended a seminar conducted by a doctor about "Psoriasis and Its cure". According to the doctor, the most effective available cure now for this is Non-Steroid Method. Because according to him, this skin decease is something to do with our immune system disorder. The more you use Steroid to control, the more your immune system will attack the same place later. What he suggested was two ways used simultaneously.
The two ways:
1) Taking a herbs based medicine called "Herose Psoria" together with "Samento"
2) Listen to Peter Hubner Medical Resonance Therapy music RRR933.
Both ways have been proven good in curing psoriasis or even eczema.
You can see their website as below for detail:
At first actually, I doubted a lot because I had been conned for many times trying a lot of things prescribed by so-called specialist. But after listening to him, I found that he explained the psoriasis cause and mechanism quite well. I fully agreed with his explanation because I had been studying this decease a lot through a lot of articles and medical researches.
Finally, I had decided to try.
The doctor specifically mentioned these methods are slow method that may take up to 6-9 months for treatment depending on how much steroid or medicine you had use earlier to suppress Psoriasis. According to him, according to some reserach done, this method had successfully cure many patients with no repeat symptom. He showed me a lot lot of pictures of his patients too. All pictures look amazing effective especially after 6-9 months. Unbelievable. He asked me to take 1 pills of Herose for 3 times a day. Stop taking all Seafoods and more importantly stop using all kind of steroid products or medicine. Together with Herose, he recommended also to take "Samento" (a herbs that known as Cat's Flaw , Uncaria Tomentosa). At the mean time, he asked me to listen to the Peter Huebner music. The cost of both medicines and Music CD are really not cheap (Herose Psoria + Smaneto about USD180 per bottle, CD Music is about USD52, you can buy all these item from the website above, I think ( but I currently buy both item from ebay now seller ID:ryanongtw74eb,
if you buy more > USD400, you can ask discount from the seller, I normally get
The treatment takes long period of time (normally 6-9 months) to complete. I had been taking the herbal medicine and listening to it for about 5 months already.
The result for me is amazing!!! Far better than I can believe. For the first two months, the condition was worsen. The red patch become more and bigger. However, as per doctor's explanation, this will happen definitely as the medicine force the symptom to be worsen to cleanse your body. After the third month, the red patches become less as well as the scales. Now, most of the red patches is faded especially my legs'. My leg's red patches have fully recovered. But I still need to continue the medication because my low back and buttock is not fully recovered yet but improving a lot. I am very happy with the result so far.
I am happy to share this and hope it will help all the psoriasis sufferers around!!
Good luck to all of you!!
Hello Kent,please tell me how you are 8 years after your blog.
ReplyDeleteSounds good, there is already a study on these herbs.
thanks for response, Renzo